So That BRIN Is Not Targeted By Cyber Attacks

JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) formed a Cyber Incident Response Team (CSIRT) to maintain the security of electronic systems from cyber attacks.

"Thank God, in the end we were able to launch CISRT BRIN even though actually CISRT existed from before but it was an entity before we integrated it," said BRIN Head Laksana Tri Handoko at the BRIN-CSIRT launch which was followed virtually in Jakarta, Monday 31 October.

BRIN-CISRT which was formed in collaboration with BRIN with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) will provide cyber incident response services.

BRIN is also ready to become a partner for BSSN for cyber security, both in terms of technology, information systems, research and innovation results and human resources.

Meanwhile, at the same event, the Head of BSSN Hinsa Siburian said the most frequent attack categories in BRIN, namely malware with a total of 95 percent and the category of traffic anomaly status as much as 98 percent, were indicated to have succeeded in infecting the system.

"For this reason, it is necessary to strengthen the security of electronic systems within BRIN, including in terms of handling cyber incidents," he said as quoted by Antara.

The formation of BRIN-CISRT is expected to be able to form a safe and conducive BRIN electronic system, so that it can support the realization of reliable, professional, innovative and integrity BRIN.

In addition, through the formation of CISRT, BRIN is also expected to increase maturity in handling cybersecurity incidents within its agency. For this reason, BSSN is ready to support capacity building and maturity in handling cyber incidents at BRIN.

Hinsa said the high level of use of information and communication technology is directly or parallel to its risks and security threats, so organizations must always anticipate cyber threats and attacks through preparedness for cyber incident management by establishing CISRT.

CISRT must be able to answer cybersecurity challenges by continuing to increase the capability and maturity of the team that has been formed.