Ganjarist Suspects There Are Stealth Volunteers Wanting To Fight Against The Issue Of Jokowi As PDIP Chairman

JAKARTA - Support for Joko Widodo to become chairman of the PDI Perjungan for the 2024-2029 period is considered an attempt to pit one against another. This support was first made by an organ on behalf of the Indonesian Millennial and Activist Coalition Volunteers for Ganjar Pranowo or Kami Ganjar.

The Secretary General of Ganjarist Volunteers, Kris Tjandra, expressed his insistence that the volunteers who raised the issue were not part of Ganjar Pranowo's volunteers.

“We reward who? As long as we move and exchange ideas with the many volunteer organs of Mr. Ganjar Pranowo, we have never once heard of that name. I've never even heard of his name, let alone his movements," said Kris Tjandra in his statement, Sunday, October 30.

Kris alleged that there were intruders or stealth volunteers who deliberately pitted PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri against Ganjar Pranowo and Joko Widodo as party cadres.

"If it's not a fight, what's the intention? Mr. Ganjar and Mr. Jokowi certainly know the rules of the party, and how the mechanism for a general chairman is chosen and determined. Obviously, this is an inconsequential issue that is on the agenda of the stealth volunteers," he said.

Kris reminded that Ganjar Pranowo volunteers should synergize with the party. The reason is that only parties can nominate someone as a presidential candidate, not volunteers.

"In fact, we respect PDIP because Mr. Ganjar is also a cadre of Mrs. Mega. We believe that PDIP as a major party will later carry Mr. Ganjar. So we hope that it will go hand in hand with the party. So if anyone has the opposite attitude, they should be suspected of being an intruder," he said.

The chairman of the DPP Sahabat Ganjar Gus Nahib Shodiq emphasized that there was no room for volunteers to interfere in party affairs.

"We realized that from the start, we did not have the rights and authority for party affairs. So if someone is acting in the name of a volunteer with such a statement, his name is nonsense and he doesn't know the rules," said Gus Nahib.

"It could be that the intruder on behalf of the Ganjar volunteers intends to confuse the atmosphere and the relationship between the general chairman and his cadres," he said.

The head of the Balad Kang Ganjar, Hendri Kurniawan, said that fighting should not be used as a tool to achieve power.

"This is a lesson for all of us to stay alert and take care of each other. Let not the ways of fighting sheep be used. if indeed WE Ganjar really exists, what have you done? So it's just a set to fight," said Hendri.