Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Is Optimistic That The Relationship With The US Will Be Objective And Rational Again

JAKARTA - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is optimistic that his country's relations with the United States (US) will be normal as before. He implied that the administration's view of the US administration under President Donald Trump was not objective and rational.

"We sincerely hope and believe that US policy regarding China will sooner or later return to an objective and rational direction," he said while addressing the US-China Business Council Conference via video link Monday, December 7.

He encouraged all parties, from researchers, business and industry representatives to increase dialogue and communication in advancing China-US bilateral relations.

"China and the US should carry out dialogue at all levels because in fact every issue can be discussed, whether it is related to strategic, comprehensive or specific matters," he said.

According to Wang, China always opens the door to dialogue at any time so that the two countries can work together to formulate a road map to maintain and develop diplomatic relations.

Wang explained the fundamental reason why Sino-US relations are facing the worst situation since the two of them established diplomatic relations, because some people in the US still have an outdated Cold War mentality by considering China as their opponent or even their main enemy.

According to him, the fundamental goal of China's development is to provide a better life for its people and this can be achieved through cooperation with other countries.

Five proposals

Foreign Minister Wang proposed five things related to China-US relations, including evaluating bilateral relations, increasing dialogue and communication, broadening a mutually beneficial vision, overcoming differences by avoiding ideological confrontation, and increasing the uptake of public aspirations.

The most urgent task right now is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and China is willing to continue providing assistance to the US by sharing antiepidemic experiences and providing medical supplies and developing vaccines, Wang said.

He also stressed that trade and business cooperation still function as an important factor in promoting bilateral relations.

China and the US must support and encourage legislative bodies, local communities, the business community, research institutes, academics, media and youth to strengthen the friendship between the two countries so that they can have mutual understanding.