Governor Ridwan Kamil Groundbreaking Of The First Nahdlatul Ulama Hospital In West Java

West Java (Jabar) Governor Ridwan Kamil carried out the groundbreaking or laying of the first Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) hospital in West Java. This event was held at the Bandung-Cianjur Highway construction site on Thursday 27 October.

Ridwan Kamil said the health facility was planned to be called Edelweiss Hospital and was built on the idea of NU Cianjur working with Edelweiss Healthcare Group.

"This is the first hospital in West Java owned by NU to be named Eidelweiss Hospital Bentang Salapan Cianjur which will later accommodate 135 beds with four floors," said Ridwan Kamil in Cianjur, West Java, quoted from Antara, Thursday 27 October.

The man who is familiarly called Kang Emil explained that West Java still needs many new hospitals to serve 50 million residents. According to him, the existence of health facilities can increase the health index and the life expectancy currently at 75 years.

"We hope that the efforts made by NU Cianjur together with Edelweiss will build the people's economy and health, and that their presence can be a reference for residents in Cianjur and residents from neighboring districts/cities," he said.

CEO of Edelweiss Healthcare Group, Syauqi Robbani added, the construction of the first NU hospital in West Java is on an area of 8,564 m2 with a building area of 9,987 m2.

The plan is for Edelweiss Hospital to consist of four floors with a capacity of 135 beds. While the target for the first service can start in 2024.

"We will speed up construction, so that by 2024 we can operate to serve patients from various circles, starting from BPJS health, general insurance and independent patients. Not only in Cianjur, we are targeting to build five other hospitals in West Java," he said.

Rois Syuriah PCNU Cianjur, KH Kamali Abdul Ghani, said this collaboration is not only from the people for the ummah, including efforts to assist the Cianjur Regency Government in increasing the Human Development Index (HDI), especially in the low health sector.

"With the presence of Edelweiss Hospital Bentang Salapan Cianjur, it is hoped that it can help the government facilitate the wider community in health services, it is time for us to help each other for the benefit of the people," he said.