Erick Thohir Will Implement Blacklist Systems, Former Corruptors Can't Be Directors Of Red Plate Company

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) will blacklist problematic state-owned companies.

The list will serve as a reference for prohibiting former corruptors or people who have problems with the law from becoming directors of state-owned companies.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir said his party would cooperate with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) to blacklist SOE officials.

Later, explained Erick, the blacklist of problematic SOE officials will be given directly to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).

"We also want to create blacklists. So people who have been proven corrupt, what are all the legal issues and so on. That's an agreement later on the results of the BPKP audit supported by the BPK, later we will submit it to the President, Mrs. Minister of Finance as a shareholder of BUMN, we create blacklists," he said in a virtual Road to G20 agenda with Himpuni, Tuesday, October 25.

Erick admitted that he did not want the directors or president directors of state-owned companies that had proven problematic to be trusted again to lead other SOEs.

For example, said Erick, the directors of PTPN who once made the company lose up to IDR 41 trillion will not be looked back at to lead other state-owned companies.

"So don't let it be improved later, the board of directors, especially when they have been deployed suddenly, which used to make this SOE a mess, for example, PTPN's debt of Rp41 trillion, the bad board of directors of this company went up to this company, went up again here (Other SOEs), this shouldn't happen again," he said.

According to Erick, building standard operating procedures (SOPs) is only one thing.

However, the leadership values of a BUMN director are very important to pay attention to.

"Because the name is building SOP is one thing, but leadership is another thing. So development, leadership and systems must be the same. It can't be just a system, it can't be just leadership, now this is what we are doing to prepare. So the answer is simple, continuity is important for Indonesia, in the next 10 years this will be the key," he said.