The Requirements For The Umrah Of Indonesian Congregations Are Getting Easier, The Limits Of Completion And Mahram Are Removed

YOGYAKARTA - Tawfiq Al Rabiah, Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia, conveyed information regarding the requirements for Umrah for pilgrims from Indonesia. The announcement was made when he met Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, at the Ministry of Religion Building, October 24.

The latest requirements are easier for pilgrims from Indonesia who will carry out Umrah. Furthermore, Minister of Religion Yaqut was also invited by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to attend as the main guest at the Hajj Congress in January 2023.

Tawfiq who delivered the invitation said the Hajj Congress would discuss the implementation of the pilgrimage. During a meeting at the Ministry of Religion Office, Minister Yaqut also conveyed notes on the possibility of adding a hajj quota to health services while in Mina.

During a meeting between the Indonesian Minister of Religion and the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia, the two discussed a strategic partnership and procedural convenience for the arrival of Indonesian Umrah pilgrims. What are the requirements for Indonesian Umrah pilgrims?

The latest regulation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has removed the age limit for pilgrims from Indonesia. Previously, the age limit set for Umrah pilgrims was a maximum of 65 years. There is also no age-related limit and others. So, everything is accepted," said Tawfiq at the Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.

The abolition of the age limit was carried out based on the consideration of the COVID-19 condition which had subsided. Minister of Religion Yaqut conveyed the maximum age record because quite a lot of Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia were elderly.

"Your Excellency, the Minister has asked me questions regarding the limitation of the age of 65 years. However, I convey that the general restrictions are related to the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Tawfiq.

The next requirement for Umrah pilgrims is the provision that they can. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has also extended the validity period of visas for pilgrims from Indonesia, who previously only 30 days from now to 90 days.

Tawfiq also said that pilgrims who have visas are allowed to travel while in Saudi Arabia. Visas for Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia will also be published in less than 24 hours.

"We also provide who comes with the purpose of Umrah is also allowed to visit places in Saudi Arabia other than Mecca and Medina," said Tawfiq.

The requirements for female pilgrims from Indonesia are also abolished. This policy is Saudi Arabia's move to welcome the arrival of Indonesian pilgrims as the country with the most Muslim population in the world.

"We have also canceled the obligation to have a mahram on Umrah trips. So, everything is accepted. There is no requirement for mahram for Umrah. Without mahram," said Tawfiq.

The new policy set by Saudi Arabia makes it easier for women from Indonesia who want to carry out Umrah. One of the reasons for removing these conditions is because there are more Indonesian women's hajj quotas than men.

Saudi Arabia also abolished health requirements for Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia. Tawfiq emphasized that all health requirements were removed, including statistical vaccination.

"I would like to convey that we from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia really welcome all Indonesian Umrah pilgrims, without any restrictions and ties related to health, quantity, and all of them we welcome as well as possible," said Tawfiq.

Hilman Latief, Director General of Hajj and Umrah at the Ministry of Religion, hopes that the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) will follow the latest policy that does not require Umrah pilgrims to vaccinate meningitis.

Those are a number of the latest requirements for the Umrah of Indonesian pilgrims set by Saudi Arabia. This latest policy was carried out in order to achieve the goals of the Saudi Arabia 2030 vision program.

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