The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Emits Strategies To Reduce The Utilization Of Fossile Energy

JAKARTA - Coordinator for the Preparation of the Energy Conservation Program of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Qatro Romandhi conveyed that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has launched an implementation strategy to reduce the use of fossil energy.

"The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has several implementation strategies to reduce the use of fossil energy and long-term new and renewable energy planning (EBT)," Qatro said as quoted by Antara, Monday, October 24.

The first is to stop the operation of coal Steam Power Plants (PLTU), which is stated in Presidential Regulation Number 112 of 2022 which regulates the regulation of accelerating the development of power plants from renewable energy sources.

Furthermore, the acceleration of the development of New Renewable Energy (EBT), especially Solar Power Plants (PLTS) and Solar Power Plants (PLTB).

"For example, in North Kalimantan a hydroelectric power plant was built to electrify. And it was stated that the State Electricity Company (PLN) had planned to build 20.9 giga watts from PLT EBT," said Qatro.

The next implementation strategy is the efficient use of technology, which is in the user sector, including the industrial, building, building, household, and transportation sectors.

"This is what we need to help together so that the use of final energy can go down," said Qatro.

Finally, promoting the use of electric vehicles and induction stoves.

According to Qatro, this strategy needs to be implemented considering oil production continues to decline, while consumption never drops.

Energy consumption always increases due to the growth of electric cars with the growth of car demand with internal combustion engine (ICE) is not the same, where ICE vehicles grow much higher.

"What does that mean, when oil products continue to decline, while what is needed is high, the domestic market will require imports," said Qatro.

For this reason, it is necessary to utilize alternative energy sources, which can reduce dependence on imports, namely the use of EBT.