Facing Crisis Threats, Sandiaga Uno Inspired Ahmad Dahlan And Hasyim Asy'ari

JAKARTA - There are many ways that can be done to revive the national economy after being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of them is by boosting productivity from the tourism sector and the creative economy.

Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno plans to involve students in developing creative villages to accelerate economic recovery. This was conveyed when he finished watching the film Trace 2 Ulama.

The film for Sandiaga Uno inspired the persistence of Ahmad Dahlan and Hasyim Asy'ari in giving the forerunners of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama. So that it becomes a strong pole of the Republic of Indonesia.

Sandiaga Uno learned many lessons from the two great clerical figures. Which is very useful to deal with the nation's difficult economic situation amid the threat of a global crisis.

"We can see that the inspiration conveyed by the two ulama really brings our motivation to rise, opens up business opportunities and employment opportunities, our economy will be better in the future towards Indonesia, which is the thayyibatun baltun wa rabbun ghafur," said Sandiaga Uno, Monday, October 24.

Therefore, he continued, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy continues to explore the potential of students through the digital santrireneur program. The program, which has now been implemented by students in all Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia, he said, has succeeded in producing various extraordinary works.

"We have a digital preneur santri program that we have been traveling around Indonesia for one year and later the peak will be on 28 (November 2022) with the Vice President, we will show the works of students who are already nationally classy to internationally," said Sandiaga Uno.

"I see that students have extraordinary talents, digital and creative economy talents who are able to open up business opportunities, so that students do not look for jobs, but instead create jobs," he explained.

This digital preneur student supports tourism programs through Tourism Villages and Creative Villages. This pesantren will be the centers of the creative economy, the digitalization center that will develop to USD 150 in 2025," concluded Sandiaga Uno.