Not Only Religion, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Asks For Santri For The Completion Of Authority Of Science And Technology

YOGYAKARTA - Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin asked students in various Islamic boarding schools not only to master religious knowledge but to participate in prospering Indonesia by mastering science and technology."In the future, students must master religious knowledge, know, master science and technology to become people who can prosper Indonesia," said Ma'ruf when giving a speech at the 2022 National Santri Day Commemoration at the Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Islamic Boarding School, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Antara, Monday, October 24.According to Ma'ruf, students must take part in optimizing the management of Indonesia's abundant natural resources (SDA)."Thank God, we have given a lot of natural resources, which are more than other countries. Therefore, what we must do is explore and manage the natural resources that Allah SWT has given us," said the Vice President.According to him, to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045, Indonesia needs to have superior human resources that master science and technology.Therefore, in addition to still having the main role of producing Islamic religious experts, Ma'ruf asked Islamic boarding schools to encourage students to take part in welcoming Indonesia Gold 2045."Now that it is in accordance with its era, we present a pesantren that gave birth to a fixed'mutakaqquh fiddin' (religious experts), it must not be lost, students can prosper the earth with science and technology," he said.The students, he said, need to intensify economic activity, such as agriculture, plantations, mining, and marine to prosper the Indonesian land.Ma'ruf hopes that in the future pesantren will be able to become a vehicle to develop the people's economy, as has been practiced by a number of Muhammadiyah Islamic boarding schools."I am very happy with the leadership of Muhammadiyah that the Muhammadiyah Islamic boarding school has developed its economic products in various regions," said the Vice President.