Tomorrow The Parsial Sun Eclipse Will Ornamentalize The Sky, Indonesia Participated?

JAKARTA - The phenomenon of partial or partial solar eclipses will be seen in the skies of Western Asia, Europe and East Africa tomorrow, October 25.

This solar eclipse is the second and the last at once in 2022. This phenomenon will occur at 04:58 EDT or 15:58 WIB, where a quarter of the Sun will be covered by the shadow of the Moon.

The first time a partial solar eclipse occurred was on April 30 and swept across the southeastern Pacific and South America.

For those wishing to witness the phenomenon of a solar eclipse by the end of this year, they must travel a very long distance to the east-east of Moscow in the West SiberianLAND, where 82 percent of the Sun will be closed.

Although the Indonesian people cannot see this phenomenon, they can still see partial solar eclipses offline.

Royal Observatory mediakan menawarkan tayang langsung acara acara tersebut, menunjukkan perangkapan dari Teleskop Astrografi Annie Maunder di Royal Observatory melalui kanal YouTube resminya.

There are four solar eclipse phenomena

It is a very interesting phenomenon, a solar eclipse is divided into four types. Depending on how the Sun, Moon and Earth align at the time of the event.

The solar eclipse itself always occurs about two weeks before or after the lunar eclipse. The four types of events are the total solar eclipse in which the Sun is completely closed by the Moon.

Second, a partial solar eclipse like tomorrow, which is when the Moon does not completely block the Sun so that it is only part of the Sun that is closed. Imaged like the Moon Fighting the Sun.

Third, an annular solar eclipse, where the Moon is centered in front of the Sun but does not cover the entire surface.

Fourth, a hybrid solar eclipse which is the rarest phenomenon, is a combination of total eclipses and annulars, and is produced when the shadow of the moon moves across Earth, starting as one type of eclipse and transitioning to another.

Next Solar Eclipse

Launching Space, Monday, October 24, after tomorrow, the sky will not be treated to the phenomenon of another matahai eclipse until a rare hybrid solar eclipse occurs on April 20, 2023.

Some of these eclipses will be seen in the regions of Southeast Asia, East Indies, Australia, the Philippines, and New Zealand. In fact, the people of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea will also be able to see this phenomenon.