Digitalization Of Pandai Laku Agent, Bank Mandiri Hopes To Accelerate Growth In Financial Inclusion

JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk launched the Mandiri Agent Application to digitize the Pandai Laku Agents. The presence of this application also aims to accelerate financial inclusion in the country and service innovation and support for the 2022 Financial Inclusion Month (BIK) initiated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Bank Mandiri SEVP Micro & Consumer Finance Josephus K. Triprakoso explained, through this application Mandiri Agents can more easily serve various financial transactions to the public with various advantages. Furthermore, Josephus assessed that the use of economic digitization has an important role in creating greater economic opportunities and encouraging more inclusive and sustainable growth by spurring innovation and increasing access to financial services.

"Bank Mandiri has launched the Independent Agent Application simultaneously throughout Indonesia on September 22, 2022. Through this digital platform, we hope that the public can more easily access financial services and contribute to financial inclusion growth," said Josephus in his official statement, Monday, October 24. Through this innovation, continued Josephus, Bank Mandiri can penetrate faster and wider by presenting more varied service features. Independent Agents can also serve more customers by opening savings accounts online, banking transactions and payments to customers, anywhere and anytime.

Not only that, Mandiri Agent can also provide credit referrals from customers who want to apply for micro loans and serve Bank Mandiri's micro loan installment payments. Furthermore, Josephus explained, this application is also able to provide a faster response from Bank Mandiri to Mitra Agent Laku Pandai, including the ability to update the application version independently and monitor the recording of agent's income in real time so that agents can immediately find out the income received from each transaction.

"The presence of the Independent Agent Application is also a manifestation of Bank Mandiri's commitment to present a digital solution one stop for our agent partners and customers," he added. Bank Mandiri branch office or ATM to make banking transactions or payments.

As of September, a total of 55.8 million financial transactions have been facilitated by Mandiri Agents for customers, with a value of Rp. 67 trillion. Meanwhile, the opening of a new account through the Mandiri referral Agent grew 33 percent year on year (yoy) to 2.1 million accounts with a total third party funds raised of around Rp. 13.6 trillion.