SMRC Survey: The Electability Of Ganjar Pranowo CONTINUES To Skyrocket To Prabowo And Anies Baswedan

JAKARTA - The Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting Institute (SMRC) released the results of the latest survey which stated that Ganjar Pranowo's electability as a presidential candidate was still superior in first place with 32.1 percent.SMRC Research Director Deni Irvani explained, the results of the survey in the simulation of three names showed Ganjar's electability of 32.1 percent, followed by Prabowo Subianto 27.5 percent, and Anies Baswedan 26 percent. Meanwhile, 14.4 percent have not answered or do not know."In the past year and a half, support for Ganjar has increased from 25.5 percent in May 2021 to 32.1 percent in October 2022," he explained in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, October 23.Thus, Ganjar's electability defeated Anies, even though the former governor of DKI Jakarta was declared a presidential candidate by the NasDem Party in early October.Deni explained that it is likely that only three names of candidates will appear in the presidential election due to the 20 percent threshold for DPR seats for presidential candidacy.Therefore, simulations of the three most competitive names are important to observe, namely Ganjar Pranowo, Anies Baswedan and Prabowo Subianto."Prabowo has been nominated by the Gerindra Party and Anies is promoted by the Nasdem Party. Meanwhile, Ganjar in the last six months has always been in the top position according to voters," he said.This presidential candidate survey is conducted face-to-face from 3 to 9 October 2022. The population of this survey is all Indonesian citizens who have the right to vote in general elections, namely those who are 17 years old or older, or are already married when the survey is conducted.From that population, 1,220 respondents were chosen by random (stratified multistage random sampling). Response rate of 1,027 or 84 percent, the margin of error for the survey with the sample size is estimated at approximately 3.1 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.