South Sulawesi Holds Porprov In Sinjai, The Perpetrators Of MSME Raup Berkah Sale

SINJAI - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Sinjai Regency, reaped blessings from the implementation of the XVII South Sulawesi Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) in Sinjai Regency, on October 22-30, 2022.

Mia, a seller of various kinds of soft drinks in the Muara Sungai Tangka Bank, Lappa Village, which is the location for the rowing sport competition, admitted that she had made quite a profit since starting selling a few days ago.

Since four days ago I have been selling here. Athletes from various regencies have been practicing here. Alhamdulillah, my sales have increased dramatically," Mia said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 23.

He also felt happy with the implementation of Porprov in Sinjai, in addition to selling well to increase income, many other residents visited the local area.

"I, as a resident of Sinjai, also Pak, feel proud to be visited by guests from other regencies. You could hold this activity every year in Sinjai," he said.

The same confession came from Anto. The man who is known as MC (Master Of Ceremony) has also felt the impact since the South Sulawesi Porprov.

The young entrepreneur who sold Bakso Bakar on Jalan Halim Perdana Kusuma Lappa admitted that he was overwhelmed with serving buyers' requests.

He admitted that the proceeds from his sales were bought up every day by buyers, which were dominated by athletes and migrants in Sinjai Regency.

"In this area, there are many athletes from various regencies. Alhamdulillah, every night it always runs out," said Anto.

For this reason, he is very grateful for what the Sinjai Regency government has done to be ready to host the Porprov implementation. Because of this, it can help the economy of the community.

"Hopefully in the future there will be more big events that of course I can also use to increase income," he hoped.