Speaking In Front Of Gibran, PSI Giring: Just Want To Say, "Want To Go To Central Java Or DKI, I'm Ready All Out"

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) is ready to support Gibran Rakabuming's political steps after completing his position as Mayor of Surakarta.

"As a friend, I just want to tell Mas Gibran, wherever you go, going to Central Java, to DKI, I am ready to go all out as a friend," said PSI General Chair Giring Ganesha after visiting Gibran at Loji Gandrung Solo, Friday, October 21, as reported by Antara.

However, he made sure not to direct Gibran's political steps, but only to support him.

"So, more if I make a declaration, whatever from a friend to a friend because he is a young person who has the potential to lead this nation," he said.

Regarding Gibran's performance while leading the city of Solo, according to him, there is no doubt.

"Mas Gibran does have extraordinary performance to build, yes, we must continue to support him," he said.

He also appreciated Gibran's steps to still be able to provide the best for the city of Solo in the midst of refocusing the budget due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this regard, PSI as a party for young people must participate in supporting other young people who have succeeded in achieving and improving the nation and state.

"Adsence, creativity, want collaboration to always be open to ideas, not afraid to be criticized, instead let's criticize me, what's lacking. 'The goal is input, right? A democratic country, we need input from the community to make our area a better place," he said.

In this regard, Gibran expressed his gratitude for PSI's support for him. However, he confirmed that he would not go anywhere in the near future.

"My answer is the same, the next step, yes, it's okay. I'm in Solo first, I finish work here first," he said.

Moreover, according to him, there are still many jobs that have not been completed in Solo, especially those related to infrastructure.

"It's not finished yet, just wait for the residents to feel it. When it's finished, yes, plus (his job)," he said.