Reviewing The Cancer Examination Movement In Jambi, Iriana: Mothers Can Check At The Puskesmas

JAKARTA - First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo accompanied by Wury Ma'ruf Amin reviewed the socialization of her own breast examination (SADARI) in Jambi Province on Thursday, October 20.

This socialization is carried out to commemorate the breast cancer awareness month or the month of caring for breast cancer.

"I ask for information to children, relatives, people, not only to be used alone," said Iriana at the Jambi Governor's Office House, Jambi City, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 20.

In his remarks, Iriana invited the Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) cadres in Jambi Province to participate in socializing SADARI to their families and communities.

In addition, Iriana also invited the public to immediately go to the puskesmas if they found symptoms or signs of breast cancer.

"If you think something is a bit suspicious or strange, you can check at the Puskesmas," said Iriana.

Meanwhile, Wury hopes that the socialization can continue to improve the health of Indonesian women.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, as cadres who will conduct socialization for the community. Hopefully, this activity will continue to be ensured which is positive because it is for the good and health of women in Indonesia," said Wury.

During Iriana's visit with Wury this time, members of the Solidarity Action Organization for the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet Era (OASE KIM) participated.

In addition to reviewing SADARI, in Jambi they carried out a number of activities from planting trees, health counseling, opening entrepreneurial programs, to visiting Jambi Class II B Women's Prison.