Inspired By Porn Film, Two Elementary School Children In West Jakarta Do Same-type Sex

The West Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim revealed an immoral case committed by a 12-year-old minor. The case went viral on social media some time ago.

"They are still 12 years old and both of them are still attending elementary school," said West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Kompol Haris Kurniawan when confirmed, Wednesday, October 19.

Based on the results of the examination, the reported party admitted that he was inspired by adult films so he did indecent things to his friends.

Kompol Haris said that no element of coercion was carried out by the reported party.

"Based on the examination, this is the first time they have done this," he said.

Currently, both of them are still undergoing examination at the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the West Jakarta Metro Police.

The police are also still coordinating with the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) to provide psychological assistance.