There Are Ethicss That Must Be Implemented When Surfing In The World Of Maya

JAKARTA - Maintaining ethics in cyberspace is as important as maintaining manners in the real world. University Communications Lecturer Dr. Soetomo (Unimo) Citra Rani Angga Riswari emphasized the importance of maintaining ethics in cyber activities in order to maintain harmony and unity in society.

"The reason why it is necessary to prioritize ethics in social media is about track records, security of personal data, anti-plagiarism, and maintaining harmony and unity," said Citra, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, October 18.

He said, in communicating there must be a basis for awareness, responsibility, integrity in attitude of honesty, and virtue in values that provide benefits. In addition, caution is needed in communicating via the internet where gadgets are intermediaries.

Citra also provides a number of tips for interacting in the digital world, including following rules such as in the real world, avoiding the spread of hoaxes, hate speech, pornography, or cyberbullying.

In addition, netizens should not share personal data on the internet. Finally, he advised netizens to filter out all the information they had obtained before sharing it with other people.

Meanwhile, volunteers from the Indonesian Anti-Fitnah Society (Mafindo) South Sulawesi Erwin Saputra said to maintain order in cyberspace, Indonesia has a Law (UU) on Electronic Information and Transactions that regulates electronic information and electronic transactions.

In the law, what is prohibited is distributing immoral videos, online gambling, defamation, threats and extortion, hate speech, online terror, hacking other people's social media accounts, or spreading hoaxes.

"There are a number of benefits from the ITE Law, namely ensuring legal certainty in terms of electronic transactions, encouraging Indonesia's economic growth, protecting the public from online crimes, and anticipating malicious practices in the internet world," he said.

Erwin also appealed to netizens to be careful in their activities in cyberspace, including when spreading information on social media. He suggested that netizens first verify or check the authenticity and truth of the information before sharing it with others.

With the presence of the National Digital Literacy Movement program by the Ministry of Communication and Information, it is hoped that it can encourage people to use the internet smartly, positively, creatively, and productively.

This activity is specifically aimed at communities in the Sulawesi region and its surroundings that not only aim to create intelligent communities, but also help prepare superior human resources for using the internet positively, critically, and creatively in the industrial era 4.0.