Heru's Working Discourse Budi Hartono After Officially Becoming The Acting Governor Of DKI

YOGYAKARTA - Heru Budi Hartono officially holds the position of Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta after being sworn in on October 17 replacing Anies Baswedan. Heru Budi Hartono's work discourse was delivered immediately after the inauguration.

Heru Budi Hartono will serve for one year and can be extended for the following year. He also continues to carry out the mandate as Head of the Presidential Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia (Kasetpres). Heru is committed to continuing a number of programs from the previous administration and considering directions from the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian.

Heru Budi Hartono revealed a number of work discourses to deal with major problems that occur in the capital. Heru will run programs ranging from overcoming floods and congestion to reacting the complaint desk.

Here are some discourses on the work of Heru Budi Hartono after officially becoming the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta during his 2023 term of office.

Congestion is a problem in DKI Jakarta which is still ongoing today. To overcome this problem, Heru Budi also has a number of plans. However, he will first discuss it with the DPRD and the police regarding his program.

One of Heru's plans to overcome congestion is to reduce the number of u-turns or one-way road arrangements and back-rounds. He will also cooperate with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda), Regional Police (Polda), and the Transportation Service (Dishub) to finalize the congestion handling program.

Floods are also a problem for the people of the capital. Heru is committed to overcoming the flood problem in DKI Jakarta. The plan is also one of the directives of President Joko Widodo.

Heru said he had to work and work to take steps to deal with floods. He has also scheduled a discussion of the flood problem with Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of PUPR. One of the concrete steps to overcome tidal flooding is to carry out the construction of sheet piles and a number of reservoirs in North Jakarta.

"If there are three floods, tidal flooding, rain floods that do enter the Jakarta area, floods will be sent. Later in the afternoon I will meet with the Minister of PUPR regarding the flood shipments that have indeed been loaded in DKI," Heru said at the Jakarta Presidential Palace on Monday (17/10).

In dealing with flooding, Heru will communicate with the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) and the Transportation Agency. One of the policies is that workers in flood areas will be advised to do Work From Home (WFH).

"Well, related to later when there are flood puddles, we can give a small example of being able to work together with BMKG, it is known, sir, if there is heavy rain. So, later the Department of Transportation, Polantas or we urge you not to pass through the area there or we can also urge Work From Home, right at certain points, yes," said Heru.

Another program that is Heru Budi Hartono's work discourse is to reactivate the complaint desk. This program was once a mainstay service when Basuk Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok served as Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Heru wants to reactivate the complaint desk program for the community at the Jakarta City Hall. In its implementation, he will ask the Regional Secretary to representatives of each Mayor to serve at City Hall in turn to accommodate public complaints.

Heru runs a complaint desk service divided into regional players to make it easier for residents to submit complaints. Heru said the DKI public vote reception service will be activated every working day from 08.00 WIB to 09.30 WIB.

"We will open it until 09.30 WIB, yes 09.30 WIB is complete. They also have to have tasks in their respective areas," Heru told reporters.

Tuesday (18/10), Heru kept his promise to directly monitor the complaint process of residents at City Hall. He met residents directly at 07.30 and chatted with several residents who came to the complaint table.

Heru Budi Hartono will evaluate the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) application created during the Anies Baswedan administration. In addition, he asked residents to see the benefits side of the maker.

Heri will take an in-depth review of the usefulness and benefits of the JAKI application. If the application has useful value and benefits, it will continue and be developed to be more optimal.

"Regarding community services, if it is good, it will be perfected approximately. Yes, if there are no good complaints, that's the budget for the APBD budget too," said Heru.

Those are a number of discourses on the work of Heru Budi Hartono while serving as Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta in 2023. Heru emphasized to the public not to see who the makers of the existing programs are. But the public must see what the benefits of the program are and for whom.

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