The National Police And The National Dayak Customary Council To Guard IKN Development

The National Police and the National Dayak Customary Council (MADN) synergize to continue to support and oversee the development of the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) in East Kalimantan (Kaltim). The commitment to the success of the IKN development was stated in a statement of position that was called together at the 0 kilometer point, Saturday, October 15, 2022.

"Today, is a happy day for all of us. Today there is a joint commitment between the National Dayak Indigenous People and Polri institutions and of course all other elements of the nation, to continue to support development and realize IKN as the capital city of the archipelago and the capital city which can truly be a pride for Indonesia in the eyes of the world," said Sigit, in a written statement, Sunday, October 16.

On this occasion, Sigit also expressed his appreciation to the entire Dayak Indigenous community who supported and succeeded in the policies of the government program. The same thing was also conveyed to all elements of society who had overseen the Ibu Kota Nusantara program.

"Therefore, we give the highest appreciation to the people of the National Dayak Indigenous People for their support to fully support the IKN development process," said Sigit.

The former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police ensures that his party will continue to maintain and improve this good synergy and collaboration with the National Dayak Customary Council and other elements of the nation.

With the establishment of a joint commitment with all elements of society, Sigit believes that this will increase optimism to realize the ideals of Indonesia Gold in 2045.

According to Sigit, the IKN development program is a program from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) with the spirit of wanting to reduce inequality and ensure equal distribution for all people in Indonesia.

"We will continue to synergize, collaborate and oversee so that we can truly realize the development process of the capital city of the archipelago. And this is of course to realize one of the visions towards a better Indonesia, a more prosperous Indonesia, Indonesia that is ready to advance into Indonesia Emas in 2045," said the former Banten Police Chief.

In addition to expressing a joint commitment to oversee the development of IKN, the National Dayak Customary Council also conferred the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as the Main Honorary Citizen of the Dayak Indigenous Society.

"Once again, thank you, including the award to us as the Main Honorary Citizen of the Dayak Society. So starting today I am part of the big family of the Dayak community," Sigit concluded to the screams of the Dayak community.