Myths And Facts Related To Egg, Don't Be Misinfo

JAKARTA - When you eat quite a lot of eggs, maybe you've heard someone say, "awas, later boil!". Eating eggs can cause boils?

Coinciding with World Egg Day, nutritionist Ulva Rezatiara, S.Gz., MPH from Gadjah Mada University presented facts and myths related to eggs, including assumptions related to boils.

The myth of eggs and boils "There is no research that supports this, so the assumption that most eggs will cause boils is a myth," Ulva told ANTARA, Friday.

However, he does not deny that the consumption of eggs in people who are allergic to eggs can cause reactions such as itching and boils on the skin.

Bisul can arise due to direct contact with boils from people with boils, unpreserved body hygiene, weak immunity and the habit of shaving hair or hair, he said.

Chow eggs can not only be eaten carefully, there are also people who are used to eating raw eggs like in Japan.

One of the menus that are often eaten in Sakura Country is tampigo kake gohan, where raw eggs are placed on rice, then mixed with a little more shoyu soy sauce.

According to Ulva, raw eggs may be consumed if the quality is guaranteed. Egg that can be consumed raw is fresh eggs, not eggs that have been stored for a long time, and are clean.

"And the eggs are in a pasteurized state, the eggs have been sterilized," he explained.

If the quality of eggs is not guaranteed, there are risks of bacterial infections and viruses such as salmonella, diarrhea, poisoning, and even disorders of the fetus if the pregnant woman consumes raw eggs.

How to process He explained that the nutritional content of processed eggs is slightly reduced compared to raw eggs, but not much different. Therefore, he suggested that eggs be consumed in a cooked state.

How to process it depends on the taste of each individual, whether it is boiled, roasted or fried. However, he suggested cooking with moderate fire so that the nutritional content does not decrease much due to the heating process.

Egg whites For people who are losing weight, there are times when egg whites are part of the daily menu. Eating egg white is okay as long as it's not excessive. This is because excess consumption of eggs can lead to constipation.

" Egg white does not contain enough fiber, excess protein intake which can increase kidney performance and does not rule out the possibility of causing allergies," he explained.

Meanwhile, consuming egg whites that are still raw excessively interferes with the absorption of vitamin B.7 due to the presence of avidin in raw eggs that can bind vitamin B.7.

When can someone not eat eggs? According to Ulva, eggs are not recommended for people who are allergic to eggs. Meanwhile, people with diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart are advised to consult a doctor first to find out safe limits on egg consumption.