Get To Know The Damage To Barrier Skins And Tips To Fix It
JAKARTA - Among a series of problems in the skin that you can experience such as acne that doesn't recover until the skin type changes suddenly turn out to be a sign of the skin barrier or the outer part of your skin is damaged.
Skin barriers serve as the outermost skin shield that keeps it healthy. Aesthetic doctor, Dr. Abelina, MM, MARS (MHA) said oily skin owners usually experience this problem, marked by dry and acneable skin changes even though there are no factors that influence it. This problem usually appears when the damage is severe because the initial stages of skin barrier damage do not cause any symptoms.
"Skin barrier is damaged if for example mild there are no symptoms. An unconscious person suddenly becomes sensitive and acne does not heal, redness," he said in a press conference released by ANTARA.
Furthermore, according to Abel, another sign of skin barrier damage is the use of skincare that has no effect on the skin or skin that is immune to the skin care you do.
Damage to common barrier skins due to various causes, including too much exfoliation or eroding dead skin cells in the outer layers of the skin and sun exposure.
"This is due to many things, one of which is the phenomenon of rampant skincare. People are often over exfoliate, too much peeling. People don't realize that their skin suddenly becomes sensitive and acne does not heal, rednesses," said Abelina.
On the other hand, changes in behavior, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, which triggers you to shower more often and use hot water, can also cause damage to the skin barrier, resulting in dehydrated skin, prolonged infections and the emergence of new skin problems, namely dry skin but acne, which is actually oily and acne skin but the skin barrier is damaged.
"The first thing happens when the skin barrier is damaged, namely the skin tends to become dehydrated. Dehydration is the result of damage to the skin barrier. Not dehydration skin and then the skin barrier is damaged. It means that you are very badly dehydrated," said Abelina.
To fix this, you should stop all things that damage the skin, such as excessive exfoliation, exposure to hot water to the face (sufficient warm water), then apply sunscreen if you previously tended to rarely use it. In addition, you should use skincare that repairs the skin barrier.
"Niacinemaide. If those who are still minor can use vitamin C, only if it is severe, choose the niacinamide one, ceramide," Abelina suggested.