Admittedly There Is A NasDem-PDIP Tension Signal After The Declaration Of Anies Baswedan, PPP Asks Not To Damage Inter-Partic Relations

JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) also responded to the statement by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto regarding the 'biru' escape from the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who was suspected of offending the NasDem Party.Hasto made this statement following the NasDem policy which nominated DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan for the 2024 presidential election.PPP Deputy Chair Arsul Sani said it was undeniable that there was a signal of tension between PDIP-NasDem. In fact, continued Arsul, long before Anies' candidacy. This tension escalated after NasDem declared Anies.It is known that previously the chairman of PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri and Ketum NasDem had also satirized each other regarding the arrogant party. Later, the relationship between these two parties was reported to be strained."It is undeniable that the public has caught tensions between PDIP and NasDem. Even since before the AB declaration (Anies Baswedan, ed) as NasDem's presidential candidate. And the escalation has increased after the declaration," said Arsul, Tuesday, October 11.Arsul admitted that his party appreciated the declaration made by NasDem. However, according to Arsul, NasDem's attitude and decision does not need to be carried away and damage the relationship between political parties and political parties in the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin government coalition."For PPP, about NasDem's attitude in eradicating AB, it is not necessary to then damage relations between coalition political parties of government," Arsul suggested.Regarding the volunteers who asked President Jokowi to dismiss ministers from NasDem, the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR assessed that there was no need for any parties to interfere in matters that became the president's prerogative.President Jokowi certainly knows better in responding to the political choices of the supporting party and its supporters."Because the minister is the president's prerogative, we leave it to the President. There is no need to urge NasDem to be expelled from the government coalition," said Arsul.