What Is LKPP That Heads Of Hendrar Prihadi? The Following Is An Explanation On Its Functions, Duties, And History

YOGYAKARTA Some people may be wondering what LKPP is and its duties and authorities after President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated Hendrar Prihadi as head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) for the 2022-2027 period.

The inauguration was held at the State Palace, Jakarta on Monday 10 October 2022. Hendi Hendrar Prihadi's nickname who currently serves as Mayor of Semarang, was asked by Jokowi to fill the vacant seat left by Abdullah Azwar Anas.

Previously, in September 2022, Jokowi inaugurated the head of LKPP Azwar Annas as Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB), replacing the late Tjahjo Kumolo.

The Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute, which is then abbreviated as LKPP, is a non- Department Government institution that is under and responsible to the President.

LKPP was formed on December 6, 2007, based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 106/2007 concerning the Government Goods/Services Development Policy Institute.

LKPP is the only government institution that has the task of implementing the development and formulation of the government's procurement of goods/services policy, and in carrying out its duties and functions LKPP is coordinated by the Minister of State for National Development Planning.

History of the Form of LKPP

Quoted by VOI from the official LKPP website, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, the Cikal for LKPP will start from a working unit called the Center for Policy Development for the Procurement of Public Goods/Services (PPKBJ) as the echelon II work unit.

The work unit, which was formed in 2005, is tasked with formulating policies and regulations for the procurement of government goods/services to provide technical guidance and advocacy regarding the implementation of the procurement of government goods/services, as well as facilitating the implementation of the certification exam for experts in the procurement of government goods/services.

In order to make the process of procuring government goods/services better and more effective, it is planned that the establishment of an institution that has the authority to formulate strategic planning and development, policy determination and laws and regulations for the procurement of government goods/services will also make Indonesia's position equal to other countries in the international arena that already have similar institutions.

On that basis, on December 6, 2007, the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) was formed. The establishment of this institution is based on Presidential Regulation Number 106 of 2007.

LKPP is based as a Non-Ministry Government Institution (LPNK) led by ministerial-level officials. Therefore, LKPP is under and directly responsible to the President.

LKPP Duties and Functions

According to LKPP Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning Organizations and Work Procedures of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute, the task of LKPP is to carry out development, formulation, and establish policies for the procurement of government goods/services.

Meanwhile, the LKPP function according to the regulation is:

Thus is the information about what LKPP and its duties and functions. May it be useful!