Next Week Ferdy Sambo Cs Jali Perdana Session At The South Jakarta District Court

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court (Jaksel) has set a trial schedule for the premeditated murder case against Brigadier J or Nofriansyah Joshua Hutabarat next week or Monday, October 17.

During the trial, the suspects who will undergo the trial are Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawati, Strong Maruf, and Ricky Rizal.

It is known that the trial will be chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Jakarta District Court, Wahyu Iman Santosa. Meanwhile, member judges will be filled by Morgan Simanjuntak and Alimin Ribut Sujono.

"Sambo, Mrs. PC, KM, and RR Monday, October 17, 2022," said Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto in a short message, Monday, October 10.

Meanwhile, Bharada E or Richard target will undergo a separate trial. Djuyamto said that Bharada E would be tried a day later, namely Tuesday, October 18.

"Bradha E, Tuesday 18 October 2022," he concluded.