Residents Of Victims Of Land Shiftation Bojongkoneng Choose To Befriend With Disasters Compared To Relocation

JAKARTA - Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bogor Regency, West Java, Yani Hassan said that victims of the land shift disaster in Bojongkoneng Village were reluctant to be relocated.

"It is not easy to relocation efforts, asked to move houses, they prefer to be friendly with disasters. Because the economy is there, the family is there," explained Yani in Cibinong, Monday, October 10.

Of the 10 families (KK) who were victims of land shifts whose houses were badly damaged, only three of them were willing to be relocated by the Bogor Regency Government.

"Of the 10 houses that were completely damaged, only three are ready to be relocated, the others haven't," Yani Hassan said as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the Acting Regent of Bogor, Iwan Setiawan, said that his party would still disburse aid funds to rent houses for victims of the land shift disaster.

"We will immediately disburse the cost of renting a place to live, because after all, living in refugee camps is not comfortable," he said.

He admitted that he did not want the community who were victims of land shifts to stay at their homes, because there was a risk of aftershocks.

According to him, the Bogor Regency Government has established an emergency response status for the ground movement disaster in Bojongkoneng. Thus, post-disaster handling will be maximized with the budget of the unexpected expenditure post (BTT).

Previously, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted that 41 residents were displaced due to the land movement disaster that occurred in Bojongkoneng Village, Babakanmadang District, Bogor Regency. BNPB appealed to the public and policy makers in the regions to remain vigilant and increase preparedness.

Plt. Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said 41 residents who were directly affected were forced to evacuate to two safer locations after their residence was damaged due to the phenomenon of ground movement.

"The two locations that are refugee camps include Villa Roso, Kampung Curug, RT 02 RW 09 Bojong Koneng Village, Babakan Madang District and the Bogor Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Command Post," said Abdul Muhari.