NasDem Cadres In Kudus Backed Off After Knowing Anies Baswedan Was Electoral As A Presidential Candidate, Even Though His Position Was The Secretary Of The DPC

JAKARTA - Another member of the National Democratic Party (NasDem) who resigned after his party officially inaugurated Anies Baswedan. This cadre does not agree with Surya Paloh's choice.

The cadres who withdrew were in Kudus Regency, Central Java. He decided to resign because he felt that he did not agree with the decision of the NasDem Regional Leadership Council (DPD) to nominate the Governor of DKI as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

Agus Riyanto, who served as Secretary of the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the NasDem Jekulo Party, submitted his resignation letter to the NasDem Regional Leadership Council (DPD) office on Jalan Mayor Kusmanto Kudus, Friday, October 7.

"I came to the NasDem Kudus DPD office to submit a letter of resignation because I did not agree with the NasDem DPP decision to carry Anies Baswedan as the 2024 presidential candidate," Agus Riyanto said as quoted by Antara.

It feels, he said, there is an inner turmoil when you have to support someone who is ideologically different from himself.

He admitted that he had not seen Anies' capacity as a leader, when the nation's best son was more competent to be president.

The chairman of the DPD of the Nasdem Kudus Party, Superiyanto, admitted that he respected the cadre's decision, after 10 years of fighting together to raise the party.

"We have no problem and respect the political rights taken by Agus. Later we will also find a replacement soon," he said.

Moreover, he said, many volunteers from Anies wanted to join the Nasdem Party.

He emphasized that the DPD of the Kudus Nasdem Party still supports the decision of the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, and remains optimistic that in the Legislative Election, he will be able to win eight seats in the Kudus DPRD.