5 Factors That Influence Harmonious And Romantic Relations

YOGYAKARTA Several couples believe they fell in love at first sight. More than admitting that maintaining the breath of love requires efforts from both parties who are committed to pairing up.

There are a number of factors that affect the relationship to remain harmonious and romantic according to research conducted by Samantha Joel, Ph.D., from Western University in Lond. From data on 11,000 couples from Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Israel, and Switzerland, the following factors contribute to maintaining a lasting, harmonious, and romantic relationship.

This first factor is about how two paired people convince each other and believe they will be together in the long term. According to licensed psychotherapist Gary Brown, trust in a relationship is the most important thing. He added, a relationship without trust will not work.

Brown's advice, don't assume that your partner knows how you feel about the relationship you're in. Try to talk to each other and notify or show your loved ones. For example, by showing each other appreciation and making your partner feel valuable.

Romance in this context is related to physical love language or the language of love with physical touch. Why is this important, because body language has quite a layered role. Brown said, physical touch expressing mutual desire, emotional relationship, closeness, and vulnerability.

The best relationship is a relationship where everyone cares about the happiness of their partner. So it's not one-way, but two-way. This means that everyone in a partner doesn't care about their own happiness, says Brown. People who are successful in their romantic relationship, nor do they sacrifice their own needs, but build each other up.

Whether a conflict caused by an event from outside the relationship or conflict in the relationship, a partner who is both involved in resolving the conflict will be more lasting. The goal of conflict resolution must always gain understanding, not to 'win'. So, signs of a healthy relationship are not toxic or poison relationships with dominance but rather in collaboration.

Being the right person is much more important than 'find' the right person. Why? According to Brown, in the end you are the only one who can control yourself. That way, many changes or different things can be put together with a partner.

According to research, the five factors above account for about 20 percent of the success of the relationship. That is, there are other important aspects that contribute to harmonious and romantic love relationships. Other aspects are related to the character, personality, and way everyone who is paired in overcoming problems associated with anxiety levels.