The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Conducts A Test Of Pertalite Samples After Being More Bored Since Prices Rise

JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) conducted a sample test of Pertalite Fuel (BBM) after being accused of being more wasteful since experiencing price adjustments a few months ago.

Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji said the government had asked Lemigas to technically test the standards and quality of Pertalite.

This is in accordance with the Decree of the Director-General (Kepdirjen) of Oil and Gas No. 0486.K/10/DJM.S/2017 concerning the Standards and Quality (Specification) of BBM Types of Gasoline RON 90 which is marketed domestically.

Pertalite type fuel samples have been taken directly by the Lemiga team at several gas stations in Jakarta.

Against the fuel sample, testing is then carried out to get quality certainty.

For the initial stage, currently samples of Pertalite type fuel have been taken at 6 gas stations in the Jakarta area, namely Lenteng Agung gas stations, gas stations at Taman Mini (2 gas stations), Abdul Muis gas stations, Sunter gas stations and gas stations at S. Parman

The Pertalite fuel sample was then tested at the Lemigas Oil and Gas Testing Center of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas. With standard testing procedures and standards for 19 test parameters," said Tutuka in an online press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 4.

Tutuka emphasized that the government guarantees the quality and availability of fuel oil (BBM) to meet the needs of the community.

The public is asked not to worry because the government has carried out technical testing related to fuel standards and quality, especially the type of Pertalite.

In addition, said Tutuka, the government has increased the quota to 17.83 million kiloliters (KL) for certain Fuel Types (JBT) of Solar, and 29.91 million KL for Pertalite as of October 1, 2022.

Meanwhile, Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati said that the public was worried about the availability of Pertalite fuel which was projected to run out in October and Solar in November.

Related to this, Erika emphasized, the subsidized fuel quota is safe until the end of the year.

We have assigned the Assignment Business Entity in this case are PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT AKR Corporindo to distribute fuel according to the predetermined quota. The government continues to ensure the availability of fuel for people throughout Indonesia," he stressed.