People Ask To Continue To Use Non-Subsidized Fuel Despite The Pertalite And Solar Quota Plus
JAKARTA - The government has officially added a quota of Pertalite and Solar subsidized fuel oil (BBM) types to meet the needs of the community until the end of 2022.
Head of the Oil and Gas Downstream Business Activities Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Erika Retnowati detailed Pertalite quota plus 6.86 million kiloliters (kl) from the initial quota of 23.05 million kl.
Meanwhile, fuel subsidies of diesel types plus 2.73 million kl from the original as many as 15.1 million kl.
"The consumption of fuel from both Solar and Pertalite has spiked, so if it is not added, the quota will expire in mid-October 2022 for Pertalite and in mid-November for Solar," Erika said in an official statement, Tuesday, October 4.
Erika said the additional quota was valid from October 1, 2022.
However, Erika asked the public to continue to consume subsidized fuel according to their designation. He also hopes that the allocation of subsidized fuel can be more targeted after the addition of the quota.
Furthermore, Erika also hopes that the community will be able to use non-subsidized fuel.
"Because the proper use of fuel in vehicles is very important. In addition to making car engine performance better, the most important thing is that subsidies are given to those who are entitled," he said.
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga welcomed the addition of the subsidized fuel quota. Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Irto Ginting said the addition of the quota would provide certainty regarding the availability of subsidized fuel in the community.
"This is of course good news for the community, there is no need to worry about the availability of Pertalite and Solar, this addition is expected to be able to meet the needs of the community until the end of the year," said Irto.
As of September 30, 2022 (unverified) the realization of Solar subsidy has reached 85.81 percent or 12.96 million kl from the quota of 15.10 million kl. Meanwhile, Pertalite consumption is 95.32 percent or 21.97 million kl from the quota of 23.05 million k.