Myth House Sate: Control, Characteristics, To Negative Effects And Positive Effects If Lived

YOGYAKARTA In the culture of the world, the position of the house also determines the fate of the occupants of the house in the future. There are many things to avoid when choosing a residence, one of which is avoiding a stabhouse. The myth of the house is that it is widely circulated in the community.

In general, the stabhouse refers to the position of the building. For more details, the following summary is taken from several sources.

The satay stab house is a term that is pinned to residential areas whose position is at the bottom of the center of the T-junction which is like the letter T.

For some people, this similar house has a fairly large energy 'frame' of the main route which is said to have an effect on its residents. This effect is not widely known by ordinary people, but for people who have high sensitivity it will have a felt effect.

The stab position of satay is mostly avoided in an environment that is still thick with Kejawen culture, especially in traditional social environments. However, in some clusters or modern housing, developers choose to make the soil a stab sate position as a public facility (fasum) such as parks, patrol posts, or fields.

The position of the stab site is said to have an effect on the comfort of the occupants of the house. The occupants feel uncomfortable at home even though the house they live in is in accordance with the standard of comfortable house.

In addition, it is said that in front of the satay stab house, it is a favorite place for a motorized vehicle accident. Although the accident is closely related to the carelessness of motorists at the T-junction, people connect it with mystical things.

The occupants of this position are also said to be often sick. Scientifically, the air circulation that occurs in the house is usually not good because the wind carried from the vehicle goes straight to the house so that it brings dust, pollution, and disease into the house. However, magical factors are also often associated by the community.

Basically, the visual characteristics of the house at the end of the satay are very easy to spot. The specific characteristics are as follows.

The negative effect of houses at the end of the T-junction can be seen from the myth or real glasses. The myth is as follows.

As for the facts, the negative effect of satay houses can also be seen in public, namely as follows.

Even though it has a negative effect, it does not mean that the satay stab building does not have advantages. The advantages of the house are as follows.

That's information related to the satay stab house. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.