The Governor Of South Sumatra For Cemas Waiting For FIFA's Decree

JAKARTA - The tragedy that occurred at the Malang Kanjuruhan Stadium, Saturday, October 1, has made the All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) please be anxious. The reason is, the incident made Indonesia threatened with sanctions from the World Football Federation (FIFA).

FIFA is worried that it will impose severe sanctions. Of course, this will also have an impact on Indonesia's status as the host of the upcoming 2023 U-20 World Cup.

The Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel), Herman Deru, admitted that he was also worried about this news. As is known, Palembang is one of the venues that will hold the U-20 World Cup.

"Honestly, I am worried about the news of the sanctions that will be given by FIFA. I hope it is only an issue and there is the best solution to dealing with the riots that have resulted in hundreds of fatalities," said Herman Deru, as quoted by Antara.

Herman Deru said the tragedy at the Malang Kanjuruhan Stadium was a valuable lesson for speaking national football. He also said that this could be an evaluation to prepare for the U-20 World Cup so that similar incidents do not happen again.

The Governor of South Sumatra also said that the improvement and preparation of Palembang to host the U-20 World Cup would continue. He said preparations should not stop just because there is an issue of the sanction of canceling FIFA.

"I am still waiting for the official FIFA decision to make a decision regarding preparations to host the U-20 World Cup. Football lovers in Indonesia, especially the people of South Sumatra, are looking forward to this historic moment," said Herman Deru.

Currently, PSSI continues to communicate with FIFA. The parent of the national football branch continues to report to FIFA regarding the tragedy in Kanjuruhan Malang.