The Health Office Expresss 1 Regency In North Maluku Free For DHF 3 Years Finally

MALUT - The North Maluku (Malut) Health Office (Dinkes) revealed that the Sula Islands Regency was the only district where for three years there were no cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

The Head of Disease Prevention and Control of the North Maluku Health Office, Dr. Rosita Alkatiri, said that his party continues to strengthen surveillance supervision through optimizing the early alert system in DHF.

"We are currently focusing on strengthening survey vectors by strengthening first-level health facilities, such as health centers or clinics, following the threat of transitional diseases such as type, dengue fever, Ispa, to diarrhea," Rosita said in Ternate, quoted from Antara, Monday, September 3.

He said it was necessary to strengthen it to anticipate an increase in the number of patients besides dengue fever, such as type, Ispa, to diarrhea.

Furthermore, Rosita said that there were 10 regencies/cities in North Maluku and eight regencies/cities in the last three years that have entered the endemic category area during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Followed by eight regencies/cities to be in the endemic category because for the past three years, dengue sufferers were found.

Rosita explained that eight regencies/cities were categorized as endemic, namely Ternate City, Tidore Islands, South Halmahera, West Halmahera, North Halmahera, Central Halmahera, East Halmahera and Morotai Island,

Meanwhile, the Taliabu Island Regency is categorized as sporadic because for the past three years there have been cases of dengue fever, but not consecutively.

"In addition, for dengue cases in North Maluku as in the previous year, 158 cases were recorded with a male percentage of 57.23 percent and 42.77 percent of women," said Dr Rosita.

He said, for the percentage of dengue cases based on the age category under 1 year 3.14 percent, 1-4 years 13.21 percent, 5-9 years 36.48 percent, 10-14 years 23.37 percent and over the age of 15 years 23.90 percent.

Therefore, Rosita stated, her party is committed and supports the efforts of district/city regency governments in eradicating dengue fever at this time are not optimal, because human resources at the PKM level have not been trained in dengue examination.