If Implemented, The Puan-AHY Meeting Is Appraished To Lower National Political Tennision

JAKARTA - PDIP DPP chairman Puan Maharani continues to carry out political safaris to meet the general chairmen of political parties ahead of the 2024 presidential election. The Democratic Party also opened the door if Puan Maharani wanted to have a meeting with her General Chair, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). However, PDIP revealed that until now there has been no plan for Puan Maharani to meet AHY.

Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, assessed that the meeting of Puan-AHY, if implemented, could reduce national political tension. Because according to him, Puan and AHY are young politicians who can give political colors in the country to be more democratic.

"The meeting of the two can encourage openness in various lives in the country," said Jamiluddin, Saturday, October 1. In addition, he continued, Puan and AHY also have no past burdens. So that the meeting between the two can be more fluid, open, and productive.

"At least they can both break down political barriers so far between PDIP and the Democratic Party. They should be able to do that considering that PDIP and the Democratic Party are both nationalist parties," Jamiluddin explained.

Then, said Jamiluddin, Puan and AHY are also expected to disburse the relationship between Megawati Soekarnoputri and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

"Especially Puan, when she meets AHY, it is also hoped that she will take the time to go to SBY. This has been done by AHY during Eid to Megawati's residence. At that time, Puan also accompanied her mother and took the time to be self-sufficient with AHY," he said.

Jamiluddin hopes that such a peaceful atmosphere will also occur when Puan meets AHY. Puan, according to him, can joke with SBY and be together.

"If this can be done, it is hoped that Megawati will be destroyed and want to be more open with the Democratic Party. Megawati will at least approve Puan's child to be with AHY to organize a more democratic political system in the country," he explained.