Prosecutors Entering Islamic Boarding Schools, Teach Santri The Danger Of Being Exposed To Terrorism And Radicalism

JAKARTA - The Bandarlampung District Attorney's Office (Kejari) has provided legal counseling to 60 students and female students of the Al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) Sultan Agung Bandarlampung.

"The fulfillment that we provide is through the School Income Prosecutor Program (JMS). There are five prosecutors who provide counseling on various law enforcements," said Head of Intelligence at the Bandarlampung District Attorney's Office Rio Irawan, Friday, September 30.

He said the legal counseling provided through the JMS Program was an effort to prevent, control the dangers of terrorism, and radicalism among the younger generation.

"We take the theme 'Anti-Radicalism Generation'. The goal is to provide understanding to our students and female students about the role of prosecutors in enforcing the law and duties and functions of the Prosecutor's Office in law enforcement," he said as quoted by Antara.

In addition, he said, his party provided counseling on the introduction of Law No. 19 of 2016 Amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) as well as about criminal acts of terrorism and child protection.

With this counseling, he said, it is hoped that the students and female students can gain an understanding of national and religious insight so that they can avoid the spread of radical understanding.

"This is the second time we have given counseling. Previously we had given counseling to younger students at one of the high schools (SMA)," he said.

"In the future, we will try to provide counseling to younger siblings at the elementary school (SD) and in schools, such as STM," he said.

He said the JSM Program is a Program of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office and the ranks of the Adhyaksa Corps throughout Indonesia based on the Decree of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia No. 184/A/JA/11 2015 dated November 18, 2015 concerning the Indonesian Attorney General's Office launched the School Entering Prosecutor's Program.

The program is an effort to innovate and commit the Indonesian Attorney General's Office in increasing legal awareness to citizens, especially people whose status is as students.

"The JSM program itself is aimed at students to enrich knowledge of laws and regulations and create new generations who obey the law with the aim of being able to recognize the law and keep the punishment away," he said.