Happy News! Regular Social Assistance And PKH Rp18.4 Trillion Cash Week Next Week

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to be realizing the distribution of regular social assistance (basos) and the Family Hope Program (PKH) with a total value of Rp. 18.4 trillion starting next week.

Director General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance Isa Rachmatarwata said the total budget consisted of regular social assistance of Rp11.2 trillion and PKH of Rp7.2 trillion.

"This social assistance will begin to be distributed next week in October," he said in Jakarta on Friday, September 30.

According to Isa, this year the government allocated a budget of Rp45.1 trillion for basic food card social assistance which is expected to reach 18.8 million beneficiary families. In addition, there is also a state budget of Rp28.7 trillion which is provided for 10 million other KPM with the target orientation of the education, health, and community welfare sector.

Furthermore, Isa also explained that until September 30, 2022, the realization of the basic food card social assistance had amounted to Rp33.4 trillion to 18.8 million KPM. Meanwhile, PKH has been distributed to 10 million KPM with a value of Rp21.3 trillion.

"Monday it will be distributed until next December," he said.

Isa detailed that for social assistance, the components of education are given to elementary, junior high to high school students with IDR 900,000, IDR 1.5 million and IDR 2 million per year each.

Then the social assistance of the health component is given to the families of pregnant women and toddlers of Rp. 3 million each per year for four gifts.

Then, the welfare social assistance component for people with disabilities and the elderly with a total of IDR 2.4 million each given in the quarter.