Head Of DKI Culture Acknowledging The Revitalization Of TransJ Bus Stop At The HI Roundabout Will Be Halangi Statue Welcome

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Culture Service has visually acknowledged the revitalization of the TransJakarta Roundabout Buses of Eyes to the Welcome Statue. But don't disturb the suspected Cultural Conservation Object (ODCG).

The Head of the DKI Culture Office, Iwan Wardhana, even encouraged the revitalization project for the bus stop with the shape resembling the boat to continue.

He admitted visually that the three-story bus stop revitalization project would hinder eye views, especially when crossing from Sarinah's direction because it intersects about 1.5 meters from the top floor deck of the bus stop.

The findings, he said, were obtained when his party visited the project when it had been carried out some time ago.

"So I'm not worried, I said keep going (development)," said Iwan, Friday, September 30, as reported by Antara.

TransJakarta, did not apply for input or recommendations through the Restoration Session Team (TSP) before the project was built.

"Currently the request from TransJakarta is not yet, but the program is already running. Just let it run. Later, if we meet the needs, or there is an offense regarding cultural heritage, we can hold a trial," he said.

Even if there is a recommendation from the Restoration Session Team or the Cultural Conservation Expert Team -- said Iwan, it is not absolute.

"This recommendation is a record of expertise given by experts who have a scientific background in accordance with the needs of the applicant to comply with the rules of preserving cultural heritage. But, there are but, he is not absolute," added Iwan.