Can Mental Health Disorders Lower In Families? This According To Expert View

JAKARTA - If you have a close relative who lives with mental illness or mental illness. You may have wondered if you also have the tendency to suffer from the same thing? Because many people think that mental health disorders are taboo. So rarely people worry about this problem.

Psychologist Scott Bea, PsyD, reported by Cleveland Clinic, Thursday, September 29, saying that people should consider mental health important. It is as important as the risks of physical illness passed down in the family. Mental health disorders need to be watched out for as early as possible if symptoms arise.

One in five adults will experience mental disorders with certain cases every year. Although researchers have not identified the mental disease gene. However, there is evidence that shows that if there are family members who suffer from mental health disorders, it is possible that this disease will decrease to their biological family members. This is evident in people with depression and schizophrenia.

Even so, the severity experienced is not necessarily the same as family members who have suffered from mental health problems. Dr. Bea also mentions that environmental factors play an important role in the development of a person's mental illness. So, even if there are family members you have mental illness but if you are in a positive environment. So it's not certain that you will have depression or schizophrenia.

Dr. Bea explains that 50 percent of mental health problems arise at the age of 13 and 75 percent appear at the age of 24. At the age of 25 years the brain will develop completely. And if you are not diagnosed with mental health disorders until that age then this is a good sign.

To prevent mental health problems in the future, Dr. Bea advises parents to build resilience in children to help them overcome emotions that come from the mind. By having good resilience, self-control will trigger mental health disorders to be overcome.