PP Precision Receiving Work Visits Of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan To This Project

JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mr. Anies Baswedan and accompanied by Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria and the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government carried out a working visit to the Waste Collection and Treatment System Development Project of the Water Agency through River Engineering at the Ciliwung TB Simatupang River on Monday, September 26.In the direct review of the work process, Anies said, this collection of waste can not only take garbage that is in the water, but will also carry out the treatment process first by cleaning up organic waste for processing into compost."This is also to protect the construction of the crossing bridge pole along the Ciliwung River from piles of garbage caught in the form of tree trunks, bamboo clumps, etc. Equally important, this garbage filter is also useful for maintaining flood control pumps operated by the DKI Jakarta Water Resources Service (SDA) so as not to experience a dam effect that can result in flooding, such as the Pluit Reservoir Pump, Ancol Pump, and Gambir Pump," explained Anies.Meanwhile, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, said that the development of this system had gone through a thorough study with the concept of planning which was discussed with ITB (Bandung Technology Institute) and agreed with BBWSCC (Ciliwung - Cisadane River Basin Center).By going through the first few stages, the floating pontoons applied at the filter location function to direct waste to the river segment, so as to avoid the dam effect due to garbage stuck in the water body. Then, the screening is carried out in layers, so that waste collection activities from the Ciliwung River body can be carried out in stages, from rough filters to smoother filters."This Simatupang TB waste filter is estimated to be able to accommodate around 222 m3/day. The construction is targeted to be completed in December 2022 and can start operating in January 2023," said Asep.Director of Operations of PT PP Presisi Tbk, Darwis Hamzah said, his party hopes that the Water Agency's Waste Collection and Treatment System Development Project through River Engineering at the Ciliwung River, TB Simatupang segment can be a pilot project in managing water body waste filters that can be applied in all river water bodies in DKI Jakarta and in Indonesia.The technology or methods used are the latest technologies owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government by going through the screening stage and the waste disbursement stage, where the waste filter can not only take up waste in the water agency, but the waste that has been taken will also go through the processing process first."Sampah will be sorted through two stages of sorting up to two stages of enumeration, so that the final waste to be disposed of is residue waste," said M. Darwis Hamzah.Furthermore, M. Darwis said, with the portfolio that PPRE has as a construction and non-construction service company based on heavy equipment that has the flexibility to work on projects with the ownership of heavy equipment that we manage ourselves, his party is committed to being able to complete the work on time, quality so that it can provide value added through time delivery and superior quality delivery."It is an honor for us to be able to contribute and be trusted in the construction of the Water Agency's Waste Collection and Treatment System Development project through River Engineering in the Ciliwung River, TB Simatupang segment, which can later have a positive impact on the community, especially DKI Jakarta, so that it becomes one of the flood disaster prevention efforts in Jakarta," added M. Darwis Hamzah.