Agus Yudhoyononilai Sedang Manipulasi Persepsi Publik Ketika Serang Jokowi Soal Infrastruktur

JAKARTA - Political communication expert Emrus Sihombing assesses that efforts to manipulate public perceptions seem to be the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is greater than President Jokowi. In fact, every leader must have advantages and weaknesses.

Emrus responded to the statement by the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) who said that most infrastructure projects were built in the SBY and Jokowi era, only band clips were left. Emrus emphasized that honesty in communicating is important so that people who receive messages can be brightened.

"The AHY political communication pattern is not mature, this is 'framing' only to benefit SBY and himself. AHY should have stated that this was a development in the SBY era and then Jokowi continued. Then he admitted which was Jokowi's era development project," said Emrus, Saturday, September 24.

Emrus also invited political elites to be more mature and mature in their education because their statements could affect the attitude of the community. "It must affect the attitude of the community. "It will definitely affect the spirit of politics with maturity and maturity so that people can get enlightenment," he said.

Based on the data, SBY only built 189.2 km of toll roads from 2004 to 2019.

Meanwhile, Jokowi has built 1,762.3 km of toll roads since taking office in 2014. In fact, 750 km of toll roads are targeted for completion by 2024.

Then, it was recorded that there were 18 dams starting construction in the SBY era. However, everything was completed in the Jokowi era.

Jokowi is also known to have built 12 dams since taking office. If accumulated, there are 30 dams completed in the Jokowi era. In the Jokowi era, it is also targeted that there will be 27 more dams until 2024.

Furthermore, there were 24 airports built in the SBY era. Meanwhile, in the Jokowi era as many as 29 airports.

Jokowi is even known to target that there will be 9 new airports and revitalizations until 2024.

In addition, 316,590 km of village roads were completed construction in the Jokowi era.

The village infrastructure achievements in the Jokowi era include 1,597,539 m bridges; 1,474,544 units of village clean water; 501,054 units of village irrigation; 12,297 village markets, and 42,357 posyandu.