The Sale And Purchase Of Organs For Accident Victims In China Revealed

JAKARTA - The practice of buying and selling illegal organs makes six people, including several doctors, go to prison in China. The perpetrators illegally harvest organs from accident victims.

Launched the BBC, Friday, November 27, the organ trafficking network harvested organs by tricking the victim's family first. By means of official organ donations, they are free to commit these crimes.

Between 2017 and 2018, they removed the hearts and kidneys of eleven people at a hospital in Anhui Province. According to local media reports, the organ trafficking network consists of four doctors who work in organ procurement at the hospital.

The network works neatly and can easily fool the victim's family. In selecting victims, the network targets car accident victims or patients suffering from cerebral hemorrhages.

Afterward, the head of the hospital's intensive care unit, Yang Suxun, would approach the patient's family members and ask if they agreed to donate their loved one's organs. Usually what the victim's family signs is a fake form letter.

The organ removal operation is then performed in a van that looks like an ambulance. After the operation, they will then sell the human organs to other individuals or hospitals that the tissue members are contacting secretly.

The victim's family revealed

The network action was later revealed after a victim's family, Shi Xianglin, became suspicious. This suspicion arose when double checking the documents received. They found several irregularities, including many missing sections on the form.

Shi investigated by tracing the hospital where his mother's organs were to be donated from the forms. However, none of the hospitals acknowledged receiving organ donations from their families.

"That's when I was sure something very strange was going on," Shi said.

Soon Shi then notified the authorities. Six men who worked on the organ trafficking network were sentenced in July. They were charged with the crime of deliberately destroying the body.

Even so, this case has only been officially revealed now. That was after Shi used the media to expose the criminal network of illegal human organ sales.

Previously, for years China had been harvesting organs from executed prisoners to help meet demands. The practice has come under fire globally.

The practice was officially stopped in 2015. China now relies on public donations to its national organ bank. Currently, the rate of organ donation in China has increased in recent years. However, that number is still much lower than in Spain.