Observer: AHY Should Campaign For Ideas, Not Comparing SBY's Work With Jokowi

JAKARTA - The way to campaign for the Democratic General Chair Agus Harimuti Yudhoyono is considered not visionary is because he compared the performance of President Joko Widodo with former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

"AHY should campaign for future ideas, not go back to the comparison," said political observer Dedi Kurnia Syah, Thursday, September 22.

Dedi said all parties have the right to criticize the government. However, he reminded that the criticism must be based on accurate data, not because of dislike.

"Criticism doesn't matter, it becomes a problem when it is only based on dislike, or just sparking conflict, there are more political and impactful ways, such as correcting policies that will be implemented, not what the government has done," he said.

Dedi also said that AHY's criticism was indeed thick in political nuances compared to the opposition nuances in the government. He saw AHY trying to get a vote by attacking Jokowi.

"Although, this is normative, only a statement without data, the risk will be returned to SBY, who must also have a shortage," said Dedi.

Previously, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PDI-P faction, Adian Napitupulu, had mentioned that AHY had submitted incorrect data regarding infrastructure claims.

Adian explained about the toll road. The toll road that SBY built in the period 2005 to 2014 ranged from construction to ribbon scissors totaling 189.2 km. Meanwhile, the toll road construction began in the SBY government but was completed by Jokowi in total there were 222 km.

"If the total length of the toll road starts from the Jokowi era in 2015 until later 2023 the total length is 2,290 km," he said.

Regarding the airport, until the end of 2014, continued Adian, SBY completed 24 airports, most of which had been carried out by the president before SBY.

"So SBY only continued in part and then joined the band scissors, not building everything from the start," he said.

Meanwhile, there were 7 airports whose ground-breaking was carried out by SBY, but finally, the number of Jokowi was completed, namely Kertajati, Tebelian, Muara Teweh, Buntukunik, Morowali, Miangas, and Namniwel.

"The airports whose constructions have been started by Jokowi since 2015 and will be completed in 2023, there are a total of 31 airports," said Adian.

Furthermore, several dams began construction in 2014 a few months before SBY's term ended. For example, Tentip Dam, Raknamo, Logung, Gondang and Pidekso.

"The five dams, SBY, maybe only had time to do the groundbreaking ceremony, so about 1 sack of cement and a few stones. Why is that? Because SBY's term of office in 2014 is constitutionally only 10 months," he said.