The Community Complaints For Case Investigation Services Based On Reports To The Resort Police And Regional Police In NTT

NTT - The Ombudsman Representative for East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) asked the Resort Police and the Regional Police in NTT to fix the case investigation service based on community reports.

Head of the NTT Ombudsman Darius Beda Daton said many people complained about the Bhayangkara Corps in following up on the handling of the report.

"This improvement is important because services related to investigations and case investigations by Polda and Polres in NTT are widely complained by the community with the essence of protracted delays," he said when confirmed, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 22.

The Ombudsman noted that public services to police institutions in NTT were the third most complained by the public after land services at BPN and rural services.

Based on his report, the complaint of Polres and Polda services in NTT is 63 complaints in 2022.

Darius explained in more detail, as of September 20, there were 31 reports submitted to the Resort Police, 15 reports from the Regional Police, 13 reports from the Police Headquarters, and 4 reports from the National Police Headquarters.

Darius said the essence of services reported by the community was the protracted delay in the investigation and investigation of reported cases reaching 46.15 percent of the total complaints, followed by not providing 27.47 percent service.

"This protracted delay is related to investigations and investigations of cases that take a long time and the complainant is not given a Notification on the Development of Investigation Results or SP2HP," he said.

"In addition, there are cases that have been P19/detailed by the prosecutor to investigators who have not been completed or have been completed but have not complied with the prosecutor's instructions, so they are still going back and forth between the police and the prosecutor," he added.

Darius suggested that optimizing the supervision of the investigation be carried out in order to minimize the potential for maladministration in the investigation and investigation activities in accordance with the National Police Chief Regulation Number 6 of 2019 concerning Criminal Investigation.

He added that his party continues to coordinate with the police in NTT to improve the quality of public services through service monitoring activities, surveys of community satisfaction indexes, assessment of public services every year, and sudden inspections (sidak).

Various public complaints received, he said, had also been submitted to the leaders of police institutions in the regions so that they became a reference for various efforts to improve future services.