12 Prisoners Including The Former Deputy Chairman Of The Jambi DPRD Abdulrahman Ismail Were Examined By The KPK In Investigating The RAPBD Bribery Case

JAMBI - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) examined 12 of the 15 inmates as witnesses in the bribery case of the Regional Regulation Plan on the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBD) of Jambi Province for the 2017 and 2018 fiscal years.Head of the Correctional Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Jambi Aris Munandar said this examination was held at the Jambi Class II A Prison, Tuesday, September 20."Hari ini dilakukan pemeriksaan terpidana sebagai saksi di Lapas Kelas IIA Jambi oleh KPK," katanya dikutip dari Antara.In the KPK application letter, it is addressed to 15 convicts. However, the two convicts have been released and another convict has been transferred to Sarolangun Prison."So, there were 12 convicts who were questioned at the Jambi Prison because two people were released and the other was in Sarolangun," he said.It was also stated that 15 convicts were being questioned, namely Abdulrahman Ismail Syahbandar (Vice Chairman of the Jambi Provincial DPRD 2014-2019), Arfan former Plt. Head of PUPR Office of Jambi Province, Arrakhmat Eka Putra (member of the Jambi Provincial DPRD for the 2014-2019 period), and Cekman (member of the Jambi Provincial DPRD 2014-2019).Next, Chumaidi Zaidi (Vice Chairman of the Jambi Provincial DPRD 2014-2019), Cornelis Buston (Chairman of the Jambi Provincial DPRD 2014-2019), and Fahrurrozi, Gusrizal, Kusnindar, Parlagutan Nasution, Sufardi Nurzain, Supriyono, Tadjuddin Hasan, Wiwid Iswhara, and Zainul Arfan.He also said that of the 15 names, two of them, Gusrizal and Sufardi, had been released from punishment. Another convict has been transferred to Sarolangun Prison."Those who have moved to Sarolangun have the letter directly to the prison there," he said.Regarding the number of investigators who examined the 12 convicts, Aris said that his party did not know for sure how many KPK investigators had arrived. The KPK has named 28 new suspects in the 2017 and 2018 RAPBD cases.Meanwhile, the main actors in the Jambi Province RAPBD bribery case FY 2017 and 2018 are former Jambi Governor Zumi Zola who has been released from custody.