Standing! Dozens Of New Toll Roads Will Operate In Ahkir 2022, Here Are The Details

YOGYAKARTA The construction of new toll roads during the administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is massive.

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has set a target for the construction of toll roads of up to 1,450 kilometers for the 2020-2024 period.

"Toll road sections are planned to be built or operational from September 2022 to 2024 along 1,014 km," said Director General of Highways of the PUPR Ministry, Hedy Rahadian in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission V of the DPR which was broadcast on YouTube on September 14, 2022.

Hedy said that the Ministry of PUPR targets 19 new toll roads along 283.15 km to operate this year.

He added, until August 2022, there have been 6 new toll roads operating with a length of 84.15 km.

According to Hedy, his party is working to complete the construction of 13 toll roads along the 199 kilometer. The project is targeted to be completed and operational by the end of this year.

In 2023, the central government will budget for infrastructure development of IDR 392 trillion. This figure is greater than this year's infrastructure budget allocation of IDR 365.8 trillion. One of these budgets will be used for the construction of toll roads along 397 km.

Meanwhile, in 2024, the government will set a target to build a new 401 km toll road.

6 New Toll Roads that Are Operating in 2022

Here are six new toll roads that are already operating this year:

13 New Toll Roads that are Targeted to operate until the End of 2022

Meanwhile, 13 new toll roads are currently in completion stage and are targeted to operate until December this year, namely:

New Toll Road yang Masih Dalam Proses Tender

In addition to the 19 toll roads above, the Ministry of PUPR has also completed the tender process for the new toll road project.

Quoted by VOI from the official BPJT website, Tuesday, September 20, here are the new toll road projects that have passed the tender process:

This is information about new toll roads that will operate at the end of 2022.