8 Types Of Food With A High Electronic Content

JAKARTA - Many body processes require electrolytes. Launching the Health Line, Friday, September 16, electrolytes are substances that transmit electricity when it is dissolved in water. For cells, muscles and organs to work properly, a person needs fluid and electrolytes. Electrolytes can help regulate the balance of fluids in the body.

Symptoms of electrolyte imbalance can also appear slowly depending on the level of electrolytes that are too high or too low. For example, too little calcium in the end can cause a weakening of bone and osteoporosis. Therefore, getting the right amount of electrolytes is very important for health.

Summarizing Byrdie, one way that can be done to prevent or overcome the electrolyte imbalance in the body is because the levels are too low, namely by eating foods rich in electrolytes.

The body needs a certain amount of salt to function properly. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), limit the consumption of sodium to at least 2,400 mg or about 1 teaspoon of salt per day. To stay healthy, avoid consuming fast food because it is too high in salt levels.

Snacks of nuts and seeds such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, and solar flower seeds contain magnesium and phosphorus. This type of protein is also very good at increasing energy. So, multiply consumption of nuts and whole grains.

Chia seeds rich in electrolytes can absorb up to 12 times of water, making them a source of nutritious minerals and a strong hydrator. Mix them into your drink or smoothie, sprinkle them on oatmeals or roast bread, or soak in water to hydrate the body.

This is a food that contains electrolytes that are good for consumption. This food is suitable for all people, including vegetarians. You can eat it by frying, roasting, or tumis. To meet the needs of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Bananas are a food that can be hydrated. This food is packed with electrolytes such as potassium, portable, and easy to digest after exercise. There are even studies showing that eating bananas before or after strenuous exercise can help the body stay powered.

The term is another snack that is hydrating and rich in potassium. You can try sprinkling the salt on it to increase the natural taste of watermelon. Consumption of watermelon before exercising and get the benefits of sodium in watermelon.

Alpukat is a delicious and healthy fruit of the heart only if eaten without being used as a topping or any addition. Alpukat is packaged with potassium and magnesium, two minerals that are often drained by athletes due to stress in the body. So, if you often do strenuous exercise, it is highly recommended to replace the missing electrolytes in the body with avocado consumption.

Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, turnip, and bits, have high electrolytes content. They are rich in potassium, magnesium, and healthy carbohydrates. Types of green vegetables can be consumed by processing them into salads, stir-fried vegetables, or vegetable smoothies with additional yogurt.