Mandatory Electric Cars For The Ministry Of Finance's Make Service Confused: Usually Based On CC, Now What?

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) through the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) is known to continue to follow up on President Joko Widodo's directives which require the use of electric cars for government official vehicles in the future.

Director of State Property DJKN Kemenkeu Encep Sudarwan said that the massive procurement of electric vehicles (EVs) must go through a thorough study and aspect of utilization. The reason is, every item purchased by the government must have a comprehensive management plan until the time of deletion in the future.

"This is being processed, because it must be clear from the beginning until finally (end to end) how. What is certain is that a team has been formed and we are included in it," he said online when giving an explanation to reporters, Friday, September 16.

According to Encep, one of the things that caught the attention of the team was how to classify electric cars so that their designations were right based on the hierarchy of positions in each agency. For example, in conventional cars the grouping is pegged based on engine capacity (CC).

This means that the bigger the car CC, the higher the designation, is for higher officials. This is also relevant to the facilities and value of the car.

"Well, this is interesting. For example, if certain officials have an official car of 2,500 CC or 3,000 CC. What size is this electric car now?" he said.

Therefore, Encep ensures that the government will set new standards in the use of official vehicles, especially those of the electric vehicle type.

We have to make standards for goods, standard needs and others. This is what we are formulating," said Encep.

As is known, the instructions for the use of electric cars for official vehicles are contained in Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles as Vehicles for the Operational and Or Individual Service of Central Government Agencies and Regional Governments.