Be Careful! Risks Of Personal Data Leaks Can Be Used For Pinjol To Sexual Excise

YOGYAKARTA - The risk of personal data leakage haunts the Indonesian people since recent times. The reason is, throughout 2022 from January to September there were many cases of data leakage. Leaks were experienced by state-owned companies, such as Bank Indonesia, PLN, to Indihome.

The latest data leak case that shocked the public was experienced by state officials. A hacker with the account name Bjorka broke into President Jokowi Dodo's personal data, Erick Thohir, Johnny G Plate, Anies Baswedan, and other high-ranking officials. The risk of data leaks not only lurks the public, but already lurks the authorities who in fact have guaranteed security.

The emergence of data leak cases in Indonesia has disturbed the comfort of all elements of society. On the other hand, this makes the public more aware of the use of data. The risk of personal data leakage is used by crackers or perpetrators for crimes that harm data owners.

Cyber security or cybersecurity is an important factor in data security. Cyber security is a practice of maintaining or protecting confidentiality, integrity, information, and computer systems from cyber threats or illegal access.

There are two important types of data known in the cybersecurity concept, namely personal data and digital identity. Digital identity is the identity of a person as a digital platform user.

The identity includes visible and visible and invisible information. The visible information includes account names, user descriptions, and photos. While the information is not visible, including the One Time Password (OTP) password and code.

Personal data is a series of information to recognize someone. General personal data can be seen from names, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, homes. While special personal data, including financial information, health data, political views, criminality data, and so on.

Both data are items or information targeted by data hackers. If the data is personal and digital identity is successfully taken by hackers, then there is a risk that will happen to the data owner.

The risk of data leakage is that it can be used to break into financial accounts. This criminal act was carried out by hackers in order to make a profit in the form of money.

Hackers will search for data or information about your financial account first. There are various ways that hackers can do to retrieve your data, either directly or indirectly.

In many cases, the perpetrator will manipulate the victim directly. For example, the perpetrator called the victim and led the victim to reveal his rekenin information under the pretext of a precarious situation. Manipulation can also be done via email message with the same mode.

The latest case of financial account burglary targets the digital wallet. The perpetrator used a fraudulent message mode so that the victim gave the OTP code. The password is used for access to the victim's digital wallet.

Another risk of data leakage is being misused to make online loans. Your personal data that is leaked will be used by the perpetrators as a condition for getting a loan. You will not know and are aware of this action.

Perpetrators seek money in the form of money from the fraud. Victims will receive terror from the loan and are asked to recover the money with the amount of interest. Victims of this fraud not only suffered material losses, but they also experienced psychological fear.

Leaked personal data also risks being used to map the profile of the data owner. The purpose of this mapping is for political or promotional purposes.

For example, in 2014, data on the Permanent Voters List (DPT) of Elections was breached. The data risks being used for negative purposes. The collected data can be used to map political preferences in certain areas, then become a target for disinformation.

Online exposure is also a risk of personal data leakage. Perpetrators break into personal data that you upload on social media or application platforms. Perpetrators will take your data that can be used as extortion, such as fullgar photos, full video messages, or bad messages.

The most common form of online extortion is sexual extortion. For example, the perpetrators use your full photo or video to threaten you. You will be asked for some money as a guarantee for your privacy security. Another example, the perpetrator invites you to have a sexual conversation or VCS. Then your face is recorded and used for extortion.

Those are the risks of personal data leakage that can befall victims. The risk is very detrimental to the victims both materially, with self-esteem, and psychology. So make sure you always pay attention to and keep your personal data on digital platforms.

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