Legal Aid AKBP Jerry Ferdy Sambo's Subordinates Called Resistance To The National Police Headquarters, The Metro Police Chief Spoke Up

JAKARTA - Former Wadirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian was fired from the National Police based on the decision of the Police code of ethics commission (KKEP). The two-star officer was proven to have acted unprofessionally in handling the death case of Brigadier J.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan said his party would provide legal assistance to AKBP Jerry. Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran also straightened out the statement.

Fadil said that providing legal assistance does not mean against the decision of the National Police Headquarters. However, it is only limited to that assistance if deemed necessary. Fadil emphasized that he fully supports the dismissal of AKBP Jerry.

"We fully support the code of ethics decision by the Police Headquarters's code of ethics commission. We fully support it," said Fadil, quoted from the TikTok account @madilog, Friday, September 16.

Regarding the appeal for the dismissal verdict, Fadil revealed that this was the right of AKBP Jerry. However, he said, the provision of legal assistance was not a form of resistance from the Polda Metro Jaya to the National Police Headquarters.

"Regarding the legal assistance, the rules in the National Police Chief Regulation regarding professional code of ethics are that each member has the right to be accompanied, that's the point," he said.

"So, if anyone gets justice, there is a right, one of which is to obtain legal assistance. This does not mean that the Polda Metro Jaya is against the Headquarters' decision," continued Fadil.

The verdict of dismissal of AKBP Jerry was deemed unprofessional in handling the murder case of Brigadier J. The unprofessionality occurred while handling two police reports (LP) regarding threats and sexual harassment that Putri Candrawati had reported.

Thus, AKBP Jerry was declared to have violated Article 13 paragraph 1 of PP Number 1 of 2003 concerning the dismissal of members of the Police.

Then, Article 5 paragraph 1 letter b Article 5 paragraph 1 letter C, Article 6 paragraph 1 letter d Article 8 letter C number 1, Article 10 paragraph 1 letter f, and or Article 11 paragraph 1 letter a, Perpol Number 7 of 2022 concerning the professional code of ethics of the Police.

Meanwhile, Kombes E. Zulpan, who was mentioned about the verdict, said that he would provide legal assistance. Although, the context of the assistance in question is not explained.

"So Polda Metro Jaya as Polda where the person concerned serves, even though there has been a TR transfer to Pamen Yanma Police Headquarters, the Polda Metro Jaya will be ready to provide legal assistance when the person concerned needs it in the next process," said Zulpan

In fact, in the appeal process, the mechanism that will be used is without trial. This means that AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian only sent an appeal note which will then be evaluated by the team to decide whether it is accepted or not.