Star Alliance Wants To Expand Biometric Usage For Identification Of Passengers In Flights

JAKARTA The use of biometric technology to identify a person continues to be developed. One of them is for the aviation industry which demands the lack of direct contact touch between humans.

Star Alliance, the world's largest airline alliance, wants about half of its 26 members to use biometric technology by 2025. This is due to growing passenger demand for contactless travel and fewer congestion at airports after the COVID-19 pandemic.

By increasing the number of airport contact points where passengers can use biometric technology, such as facial comparisons that allow a person to use their face as a boarding pass, Star Alliance hopes to reduce processing times through airport security, baggage drop, departure gate, and waiting room.

According to Christian Draeger, the vice president of Star Alliance's customer experience, the group wants 12 to 15 airlines, or roughly double the current number, to use its biometric strategy or ensure its compatibility.

In addition to airlines, Star Alliance also hopes that four European airports participating in its biometric program will add additional contact points, as well as increase the number of participating airports.

"We definitely have to go to half of our participating operators. But at the same time we also need to improve the participating airport network," Drager told Reuters. "This is the first time the aviation alliance, which coordinates services and projects like digital infrastructure for its members, has outlined specific targets."

Although not binding, the goal is to echo private sector efforts to validate identity on special lanes in front of security checkpoints. Companies like Clear Secure (ANDA) allow passengers with paid airport membership to use their biometric technology instead of travel IDs.

The proposal comes as global experts in Montreal are discussing the wider use of biometrics to securely replace conventional travel documents at the United Nations flight blockade ending on Thursday, September 15.

The United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) set standards in everything from the runway to accident investigations normally adopted by its 193 member countries.

But the use of biometrics in travel varies according to region, as different privacy rules and the lack of technical expertise of some countries make this technology more difficult to introduce.

According to a 2021 report from air transport communications and IT SITA specialists, over the next three years, 38% of airports plan to implement one facial-like biometric token that carries passengers through all checkpoints, up from 3% last year.

Star Alliance member United Airlines said it was looking for ways to ease travel through biometric use at several points across airports.

Another use of biometrics is to facilitate travel has evolved over time. About 80% of the state of ICAO is now removing the e-passor, which was launched in 2004 and has safe chips with photos of tourists," said Christiane DerMarkar, technical officer at the ICAO tourist identification program speaking at the symposium.