Call The Biggest Sopi Production Location, Home Gerebek Police In Central Manpower, NTT

NTT - Police raided the house where the Sopi type of liquor was produced in Central Amanuban District, South Central Timor (TTS), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). A total of 120 liters of sopi were secured.

Central Amanuban Police Chief, Ipda Boby Jeki Jeksen Dadik, said the house was claimed to be the location of the largest liquor production.

"The raid was carried out to eradicate public ills related to drinking," said Ipda Boby in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 14.

He advanced raids as well as to reduce the level of crime by drinking as a trigger.

Ipda Boby explained that the operation to control liquor was also an early effort to maintain public security and order in the jurisdiction of the Central Amanuban Police consisting of Central Amanuban and Oenino sub-districts.

He also admitted that there is often an increase in the number of crimes in the jurisdiction of the Central Amanuban Police, especially general crimes.

"There have been an increase in cases of theft, beatings, persecution, and vandalism, and special crimes, namely domestic violence, including traffic accidents," he said.

Of the cases, more of them are dominated by those affected by alcohol.

In addition to sopi, the police also secured evidence of 100 liters of liquor in drums. Including small, medium and large dangdang and distillation bamboo.